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Topic can be used to send and receive kafka messages.

  • Data is sent to kafka when topic is called as a function

  • Messages can be consumed by iterating over the topic object

from snapstream import Topic

topic = Topic('emoji', {
    'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091',
    'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
    'group.instance.id': 'demo',
    'group.id': 'demo',
}, offset=-2)

topic(key='key', val='🐟')

for msg in topic:
    print(msg.key(), msg.value().decode())
None 🐟
b'key' 🐟

Topic uses confluent-kafka.


Cache can be used to persist data.

  • Data is cached when cache is called as a function

  • Data is stored in sst files in the specified folder: db

from snapstream import Cache

cache = Cache('db')

cache('prize', 'πŸ†')
cache['phone'] = 'πŸ“ž'

for x, y in cache.items():
    print(x, y)
phone πŸ“ž
prize πŸ†

To avoid race conditions, lock database keys using the transaction context manager:

with cache.transaction('fish'):
    cache['fish'] = '🐟'

Cache is a basic wrapper around rocksdict.


Conf can be used to set default kafka configurations.

  • Conf is a Singleton class, only one instance exists

  • Configurations can be overridden per topic

from snapstream import Conf, Topic

    'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091',
    'group.id': 'default-demo',

topic1 = Topic('emoji', {'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29092'})

    'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL',
    'sasl.mechanism': 'PLAIN',
    'sasl.username': 'myuser',
    'sasl.password': 'mypass',

topic2 = Topic('conf', {'group.id': 'demo'})

{'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29092', 'group.id': 'default-demo'}
{'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091', 'group.id': 'demo', 'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL', 'sasl.mechanism': 'PLAIN', 'sasl.username': 'myuser', 'sasl.password': 'mypass'}


When your handler function returns zero or more values, use yield instead of return.

from snapstream import snap, stream

@snap(range(5), sink=[print])
def handler(n):
    if n % 2 == 0:
        yield f'even: {n}'
    if n == 0:
        yield f'zero: {n}'

even: 0
zero: 0
even: 2
even: 4


If there’s no incoming data, generators can be used to trigger handler functions.

  • The timer() function returns a generator that yields None every 1.0 seconds

from time import localtime, sleep, strftime

from snapstream import snap, stream

def timer(interval=1.0):
    while True:

def handler():
    print(strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime()))



Codecs are used for serializing and deserializing data.

  • Using JsonCodec values are automatically converted to and from json

from snapstream import Topic
from snapstream.codecs import JsonCodec, ICodec

topic = Topic('codecs', {
    'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091',
    'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
    'group.instance.id': 'demo',
    'group.id': 'demo',
}, offset=-2, codec=JsonCodec())

topic({'msg': '🐟'})

for msg in topic:
{'msg': '🐟'}
  • It’s possible to create custom codecs by extending ICodec

class AvroCodec(ICodec):
  """Serializes/deserializes avro messages."""

  def __init__(self, path: str):
      """Load avro schema."""
      with open(path) as a:
          self.schema = parse(a.read())

  def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
      """Serialize message."""
      val = serialize_avro(self.schema, obj)
      return cast(bytes, val)

  def decode(self, s: bytes) -> object:
      """Deserialize message."""
      val = deserialize_avro(self.schema, s)
      return cast(object, val)


To read a specific range or single offset from kafka, use the slice notation:

from snapstream import Topic

topic = Topic('slicing', {
    'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091',
    'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
    'group.instance.id': 'demo',
    'group.id': 'demo',

for x in 'πŸ†', 'πŸ“ž', '🐟', 'πŸ‘Œ':

for x in topic[3]:
    print(x.value().decode(), x.offset())

It’s recommended to never use list or any active operation that collects all data, as the stream may be unbounded. Here’s the message at offset 3:

πŸ‘Œ 3

If we want to get offsets 0 up until 3, we can slice the topic:

for x in topic[0:3]:
    print(x.value().decode(), x.offset())
πŸ† 0
πŸ“ž 1
🐟 2

If the retention period could have surpassed that of the first message, it’s worth using -2 as the first offset. In the following snippet, we also pass a step of 2, taking every second message:

for x in topic[-2::2]:
    print(x.value().decode(), x.offset())
πŸ† 0
🐟 2

You’ll also notice that the program keeps waiting until the stop condition has been met.


To share streaming data using API endpoints, install uvicorn and fastapi, then use Thread to start the server.

In this example dictquery is used to query the cache:

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

import dictquery as dq
from fastapi import FastAPI
from snapstream import Cache, snap, stream
from uvicorn import run

app, cache = FastAPI(), Cache('db')

@snap(range(1000), sink=[cache])
def add_unicode_to_cache(key):
    yield key, {'number': key, 'unicode': chr(key)}

async def query_cache(query: str):
    return list(dq.filter(cache.values(), query))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Thread(target=run, args=(app,), daemon=True).start()

When we call the following url >= 2 it will return the entries that are available:

  {"number": 2, "unicode": "\u0002"},
  {"number": 3, "unicode": "\u0003"},